It’s Time to Take Ventilation Back to School

41% of School HVAC Systems Should Be Retrofitted or Replaced


With stricter guidelines being created due to the impact COVID-19 has had on infrastructure, the efficacy of HVAC systems is being re-examined to ensure proper health and safety. Worries over both have led to an increase in investigations on whether or not current systems are fully operational and functioning at their intended levels. One of the largest infrastructures at risk is schools.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently published a report that shows about 41% of public-school districts needing to retrofit or replace the HVAC systems in at least half of their schools. Experts have concluded that these systems need better ventilation and filtration to function as intended. The federal government, along with multiple states, are providing the resources to do just this, which means more school bids and projects for contractors.

HVAC retrofits and general maintenance jobs for schools aren’t new. Most public schools have ventilation and IAQ problems that pre-date COVID-19 problems. Some of these issues:

  • Neglected maintenance of systems, including filters, belts, condensate drainage, etc.
  • Outside air dampers being left closed for extended periods of time.
  • Changes to BAS controls that do not comply with recommended and/or regulatory settings.
  • Occupancy changes that are never addressed.

All of these lead to or are a cause of ventilation mismanagement. A tried-and-true solution to help mitigate the dangers mentioned above are the installation of CO2 sensors. They aid in verifying proper ventilation and help quickly alert building management to unexpected malfunctions. It’s the perfect example of why the “three M’s of HVAC”—monitoring, maintenance, and management—should always be practiced.

It’s time to take correct ventilation back to school so that students and teachers are safe. The lack of regular monitoring, maintenance, and management can be detrimental to the health of a school’s HVAC system and the health of those who occupy its space. Quick fixes and shortcuts can lead to negative consequences which are oftentimes costly. A proper technician/contractor should always be called upon to properly assess the ventilation of any system so that it can be properly repaired, replaced, or retrofitted.

Call or visit today to see how we can help you take correct ventilation back to your jobsite. Let us help you with the right solutions to get the job done—we’ve got you covered.

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